Through its role of assistant to the developers and project managers, Positherm helps on the eco-design of residential and tertiary buildings.

Environmental approach of the Building’s life

In its role of assistant to the the developers and project managers, Positherm uses numerous virtuous designing tools:

  • Dynamic thermal simulation
  • Daylighting factor
  • Environmental process table
  • “Neat site” inspection
  • Carbon summary of the Building (life cycle analysis)
  • Energetic Performance Diagnostic (DPE) - Afnor certification
  • Owner guide manuals / Inhabitants guide manuals
EN_Accompagnement dans l’obtention de labels environnementaux

EN_Accompagnement dans l’obtention de labels environnementaux

Following the COP 21 and the Paris Agreements on the fight against global warming in 2015, the french state committed itself to support the production of positive energetic buildings (that produces more energy than it uses) and with a small carbon footprint (all along its life cycle, from its construction to its demolition). The E+C- label (for positive energy building and carbon decrease) encourages and enhances these two ambitions. 

Positherm supports the developers in the obtention of these labels by realising the carbon summary of the building through the analysis of its life cycle over 50 years. From the extraction of the materials used for the construction, to its demolition, we also take into consideration the geographical location of the building in order to determine the carbon summary of the residents or occupants journeys (eco mobility).

International environmental certifications

International environmental certifications

Depending on the level of requirements desired, Positherm support its clients in the obtention of international environmental labels as Passivhaus, Minergie​®, Bream and Leed.

Positherm’s Key Figures in 2017

4,000 DPE
2,500 housing studied